As a team, use the following links as well as other internet resources to answer the questions below.
17. Over time, the San Clemente Dam no longer served as a water supply function. What happened to cause this?
18. During the 1990s, the California Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) issued a structural safety order for the San Clemente Dam. Why?
19. This order required that the dam become upgraded to comply with modern seismic standards as well as perform an annual draw down of the reservoir. What is a draw down?
20. Video. Describe what the San Clemente Dam engineers did to the dam in order for the draw down to occur.
Watch the following Video for questions 21-23.
21. Why was it decided to NOT reinforce the dam?
22. When it was decided to remove the dam, why was it decided to reroute the Carmel River?
23. What is going to happen to all of the sediment that built up behind the dam?
Use this website to find the information for questions 24 and 25.
24. What is the total cost of the project and who is paying for it?
25. How long, from when the DSOD issued the safety order, will it take for this project to be completed?
- The Assignment
- Step 1: Introduction
- Step 2: History
- Step 3: Dam Removal
- Step 4: Environment
- Step 5: Conclusion