As a team, use the following links as well as other internet resources to answer the questions below.
26. Before the dam could be removed, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) had to be submitted and approved. What is an EIR?
27. Look at the list of the technical review team for the project. What percentage of the people on this team have jobs that directly involve conservation, biology or the environment?
28. Do you think that there are enough experts on the team to ensure that environmental issues are adequately being addressed? Explain.
29. One of the team members is an expert in fluvial geomorphology. Why would someone with this expertise be on the team?
30. Are there any other experts that should have been included on this team? Explain.
Watch the following video and use this website to answer the questions 31-36.
31. One of the animals that is of major environmental concern for this project is the steelhead trout. It is considered an endangered species. What has caused this animal to become endangered?
32. Write down FOUR interesting facts about the steelhead trout.
33. What does the steelhead trout use the Carmel River for?
34. In 1850, what was the estimated amount of steelhead trout traveling up the Carmel River?
35. What was the estimated number of steelhead trout traveling up the river in 2013?
36. What has prevented the steelhead trout from moving up the river in recent years?
37. In order to continue upstream past the San Clemente Dam, the steelhead trout would have to go up a fish ladder. What is a fish ladder?
38. How will the removal of the dam help the steelhead trout?
39. Brainstorm with your group and search the internet to determine other environmental pros and cons of this project.
- The Assignment
- Step 1: Introduction
- Step 2: History
- Step 3: Dam Removal
- Step 4: Environment
- Step 5: Conclusion